Constructionism in Practice: Designing, Thinking, and Learning in a Digital World
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates 1996
Published in 1996, Constructionism in Practice describes a set of innovative educational research projects at the MITMedia Laboratory, illustrating how computational technologies can transform our conceptions of learning, education, and knowledge.
Constructionism in Practice grows out of 30 years of research on technologies for learning and thinking at MIT, and provides a rich and comprehensive description of constructionist educational theories. The book draws on real-world educational experiments conducted in formal and informal contexts: from inner-city schools and university labs to neighborhoods and after-school clubhouses. These experiments demonstrate how technology-based design activities can empower children from a wide range of backgrounds to become more confident and competent learners, and help them make deep connections with important mathematical and scientific ideas.
The book integrates ideas from the fields of learning, design, computer science, education, psychology, and epistemology, and presents a comprehensive theoretical framework for technologies in education. The book is divided into four interrelated sections: Perspectives in Constructionism, Learning through Design, Learning in Communities, and Learning about Systems.
“...examples of highly innovative computer technology (e.g., individually programmable LOGO brincks) are presented in considerable detail.”
“...the very broad spectrum of the discussed issues guarantees that this book will be useful and informative for a broad audience of social scientists, educators, and programming designers, as well as all who are interested in designing learning environments that promote creativity, motivation, sense of community, and agency in the is easy and fun to read.
“ a valuable collecton of essays written by MIT Media Lab faculty and students. The collection succeeds in providing an insighful look at developments in student-centered learning in science, mathematics engineering, and technology.”